BHUTAN TOUR – 04 NIGHT / 05 DAYS: Destination covered: Paro – Thimphu – Punakha –  Paro

BHUTAN TOUR – 04 NIGHT / 05 DAYS: Destination covered: Paro – Thimphu – Punakha – Paro

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  • 2024 only
  • Pickup: Airports

Jelajahi pesona magis Bhutan dengan tur 5 hari/4 malam yang menakjubkan bersama Parama Nanda Wisata! Mulai perjalanan Anda di Paro, tempat yang memukau dengan pemandangan alam dan situs bersejarah seperti Paro Dzong dan Ta Dzong. Nikmati keindahan kota yang dikelilingi oleh pegunungan megah sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke Thimphu, ibu kota Bhutan yang kaya akan budaya dan tradisi. Di Thimphu, Anda akan mengunjungi Memorial Chorten, National Library, dan Tashichho Dzong, serta menikmati kehidupan kota yang unik dan dinamis.

Perjalanan dilanjutkan ke Punakha, yang terkenal dengan Punakha Dzong, salah satu benteng paling indah di Bhutan. Di sini, Anda akan merasakan kedamaian dan keindahan alam yang luar biasa. Kembali ke Paro, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi Biara Taktsang, juga dikenal sebagai "Tiger's Nest", yang menawarkan pemandangan spektakuler dan pengalaman spiritual yang mendalam. Tur ini dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman yang mendalam tentang kehidupan dan budaya Bhutan. Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam petualangan tak terlupakan ini dan ciptakan kenangan abadi di "Tanah Kebahagiaan".

Price Includes
All meals
All transfers and sightseeing’s as per the itinerary
English speaking accompanying guide
Sustainable Development Fee & Taxes (US$ 100 per person per night)
Entrances as per the itinerary.
Bhutan Visa Fees (US$ 40/- per person)
Price Excludes
Expenses of personal nature
Insurance of any kind / medical expenses
Beverages (alcoholic / non – alcoholic)
Expenses of personal nature (like tipping, laundry, Telephone/fax calls, camera/video fees etc.)
Airfares and Airport Taxes

Travel Styles

Nature & Adventure

The flight to Paro is one of the most spectacular in entire Himalayas. Flying along the Himalayan range from Kathmandu, the journey offers fascinating views and an exciting descent into the Kingdom. Bhutan’s first gift to you as you disembark from the aircraft will be cool, clean fresh mountain air. After immigration formalities and baggage collection, you will be met by our representative, and afterwards drive to Thimphu, the capital town of Bhutan with Enroute stop at Chuzom, the confluence of Thimphu and Paro rivers. Three different styles of stupas; Tibetan, Nepalese and Bhutanese adorn this confluence. On arrival in Thimphu, check-into the hotel. The capital town of Bhutan and the centre of government, religion and commerce, Thimphu is a unique city with unusual mixture of modern development alongside ancient traditions. Although not what one expects from a capital city, Thimphu is still a fitting and lively place. Home to civil servants, expatriates and monk body, Thimphu maintains a strong national character in its architectural style. Later in the afternoon visit King's Memorial Chorten continuously circumambulated by people, murmuring mantras, and spinning their prayer wheels. Construction of this landmark was the idea of Bhutan’s third king, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (“the father of modern Bhutan”) who has wished to erect monument to world peace and prosperity. Completed in 1974 after his untimely death, it serves both as a memorial to the Late King and as a monument to peace. Conclude with visit to Trashichhoe Dzong, ‘fortress of the glorious religion’. This is the centre of government and religion, site of monarch’s throne room and seat of Je Khenpo or Chief Abbot. Built in 1641 by the political and religious unifier of Bhutan, Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, it was reconstructed in 1960s in traditional Bhutanese manner, without nails or architectural plans. Before returning to the hotel, take leisurely walk to local craft Bazar recently established under patronage of Department of cottage & small industry and in collaboration with the department of culture, tourism council and the department of agriculture marketing and cooperatives. This market offers genuine Bhutanese arts & crafts thus contributing to promotion, protection, and preservation of traditional arts. Dinner and overnight at the Hotel in Thimphu (Altitude 2400m).

Morning after breakfast, take a short drive to the north of town to Buddha Dordenma, located atop a hill in Kuenselphodrang Nature Park. The statue fulfils an ancient prophecy dating back to the 8th century A.D that was discovered by Terton Pema Lingpa (Religious Treasure Discoverer) and is said to emanate an aura of peace and happiness to the entire world. This massive statue of Shakyamuni made of bronze and is gilded in gold, measures 51.5 meters in height, making it one of the largest statues, in Bhutan. 125,000 smaller Buddha statues have been placed within the Buddha Dordenma statue, each of these also have been cast in bronze and gilded. Visitors can get a good overview of the Thimphu valley from here. Followed by city tour visiting National Library which houses an extensive collection of Buddhist literature, with some works dating back several hundred years as well as modern academic books mainly on Himalayan culture and religion. Continue to Simply Bhutan Museum - an exclusive project under the Bhutan Youth Development Fund. It is a living Museum and Studio encapsulating the cultural heritage of the Bhutanese people. The infrastructure portrays ancient Bhutanese architecture which is being lost to modernization. After lunch drive to Punakha across Dochu-la pass (3,088m/ 10,130 ft) stopping briefly here to take in the view and admire the chorten, mani wall, and prayer flags which decorate the highest point on the road. If skies are clear, the following peaks can be seen from this pass (left to right): Masagang (7,158m), Tsendagang (6,960m), Terigang (7,060m), Jejegangphugang (7,158 m), Kangphugang (7,170 m), Zongphugang (7, 060 m), a Table Mountain that dominates the isolated region of Lunana - finally Gangkar puensum, the highest peak in Bhutan at 7,497m. At Dochula Pass, 108 chortens or stupas known as Druk Wangyal Chortens have been built by Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk, the eldest Queen Mother. These chortens are built in three layers, the first lowest level layer has forty-five chortens, the second has thirty-six and the top layer has twenty-seven, built around the main chorten. Punakha served as the capital of Bhutan and seat of government until 1955 and still it is the winter seat of Je Khenpo (the chief abbot). Blessed with temperate climate and owing to its natural drainage from Pho Chhu (male) and Mo Chhu (female) rivers, the fertile Punakha valley produces abundant crops and fruits. Located at an elevation of 1300m above sea level, Punakha enjoys mild winters and is popular year-round destination. Upon arrival check in at the hotel. Evening at leisure. Dinner & Overnight at the hotel in Punakha.

After breakfast visit Punakha Dzong or (‘Palace of Great Happiness’), built at the junction of the Phochu and Mochu rivers, in 1637 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. This majestic Dzong served as both the religious and the administrative center of Bhutan in the past. It measures some 600 by 240 feet and has a six-story, gold-domed tower. Inside are courtyards and religious statuary that hint at the depth of history and spiritual tradition embodied here. Your guide will illuminate your understanding of this intricate culture that is exotic to us, though long established here. Then drive back to Paro descending back down from Dochu La, follow the way back up the dramatic Wang Chhu and Paro ChhuRiver valleys, before crossing through Paro Town towards the north end ofthe valley. The beautiful valley of Paro encapsulates within itself a rich culture, scenic beauty and hundreds of myths and legends. It is home to many of Bhutan’s oldest temples and monasteries, National Museum, and country’s only international airport. Mount. Chomolhari (7,314m) reigns in white glory at the northern end of the valley and its glacial water plunge through deep gorges to form Pa Chhu (Paro River). Paro is also one of the most fertile valleys in the Kingdom producing a bulk of the locally famous red rice from its terraced fields. Post lunch visit to Ta Dzong, originally built as Watchtower, which now houses National Museum. The extensive collection includes antique thangkha paintings, textiles, weapons & armour, household objects and a rich assortment of natural and historic artifacts. Ta Dzong visit followed by a short walk to visit Rinpung Dzong (Paro Dzong), meaning (‘fortress of the heap of jewels’), which has a long and fascinating history. Along the wooden galleries lining the inner courtyard are fine wall paintings illustrating Buddhist lore such as four friends, the old man of long life, the wheel of life, scenes from the life of Milarepa, Mount. Sumeru and other, cosmic Mandala. Evening, take a stroll around Paro main street and local market. Dinner & Overnight at the hotel in Paro.

After breakfast, excursion to Taktshang Monastery or Tiger’sNest (Approx. 5 hours round trip walk). It is one of the most famous of Bhutan’s monasteries, perched on the side of a cliff 900m above the Paro valley floor. It is said that Guru Rinpoche arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated at this monastery and hence it is called ‘Tiger’s Nest’. This site has been recognized as a most sacred place and visited by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1646 and now visited by all Bhutanese at least once in their lifetime. Late afternoon, drive end of the Valley to the base of Drukgyel Dzong, a 17th century fortress burned down in the early 50s. Here we will also see the beautiful typical farmhouse. Bhutanese farmhouses are very colorful, decorative, and traditionally built without the use of single nail. The majority population of Bhutan continues to live as it has for centuries – in small, isolated farms and hamlets, surrounded by terraced fields of rice, maize, and buckwheat. Dinner & Overnight at the hotel in Paro.

After early breakfast at the hotel, drive to the airport for flight to your onward destination. Our representative will help you with exit formalities and then bid you farewell.



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